Morning, all!
A brief update as, clearly, the original schedule was laughably inaccurate. Next time I do this (who am I kidding, of course there'll be a next time) I'll make it laughabily inaccurate going the other way.
At the time of writing (midday local) 80 copies have been shipped. By the end of today, that number will be around 150.
Tomorrow, I'll ship another 50+
Over the weekend I'll then prep all remaining orders to go out on Monday. Confidence level of that target? High. My process is now pretty efficient.
Because of the way I've set all this up, none of the shipping information is auto-updating your orders, so I'm going to have to do it manually. Rather than burn a few hours on doing the matching process from shipping to fulfillment, I'll get everything packed first then check afterwards.
I've learned loads on how not to do this in the future. I'll spill all in a one-off video when this caper is behind me.
Thank you for your patience. I remain confident you'll have your orders during, not after, the CGW.
I now return to signing books (I'm onto pen #2 now).